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Kenya Hadharim Self-Help Group [KH-SHG]

About Us

Our Humble Beginning:

This group was formed by a few adults of Kenya Hadharim Origins in Mombasa, Kenya, who met towards the end of October, 2021. The name of Kenya Hadharim was suggested by those who attended the second meeting held at the end of Nov. 2021, in order to get out of the shell of being recognized as Kenyan Arabs, we are originally Hadhaarim, so it was appropriate to proudly identify ourselves as Kenyan Hadhaarim, hence the name KENYA HADHARIM was chosen to Register ourselves.

On December 10, 2021, Kenya Hadharim Self-Help Group, was officially recognized by the Ministry of Labour, Department of Social Protection by granting it a Registration Certificate.

What's The Difference Between This Group With Other Likewise Kenya Arab Existing Groups?

• As the name suggests, we are proud to identify ourselves with our place of birth (Kenya) and Origins (Hadhramout), that is the difference between this group and any other Kenyan Arab existing groups. "Be the Change You Want To See In Your Community".

• The groups way of running its business is based on Transparency and Accountability, hence it opened a Kshs. Account: 080007601 with GAB for it's Members to transfer all the Monthly Investment Subscription Fees directly to the designated Accounts, via KH-SHG Mpesa Pay bill no.: 4092161.

• The group has opened a new Monthly Subscription Fees: the Bronze, Silver & Gold three Categories with GAB via GAB Mpesa Pay bill no.: 985050 - Kshs.Account:080007602.

• For our Diaspora Members, the can send their Subscription Fees to the above Kshs. Account No. through Swift Code: GAFRKEN. A Monthly Report Statement is posted to the Members in our Social Media platforms (WhatsApp, Telegram, Facebook and Website).

Our History

Kenya Hadharim Self-Help Group was registered with The Republic of Kenya government, under the Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Registration Certificate No. 0094554 on the 10th of December, 2021. It is located in the Mombasa Island and falls under Mvita Constituency in Kenya, with a vision of uplifting the Kenya Hadharim Members to overcome their unique challenges and actively participate in the formation of their Communitynl and Country.


To provide standard quality life to the entire KH-SHG Members through Income Generating Activities (IGAs) as a business.


To enhance the quality standard of our KH-SHG Members and reduce the level of dependency ratio through indulging in Small Businesses as a source of income.

Our Objectives

  1. To foster empowerment for both our (male & female) Youth Members and the KHC
  2. To eradicate the level of poverty for our KH-SHG Members.
  3. To eliminate immoral behavior and avoid petty code of conduct.
  4. To reduce the level of dependency ratio.
  5. To emphasize in education level and health care.
  6. To create and find a job opportunity for jobless youth of KH-SHG Members.
Kenyan Hadharim

Our Approach

To tackle these we have come up with clear notions and solutions.  Finances in this contemporary world are the major source to generate development and to transform the Vision into sustainable Objectives and finally to reality. This earnestly calls for monetary sacrifices in contributing continuously over a defined period to attain Capital Muscle. We have resolved to contribute:

  • Admission Fees of Ksh 500 per Member (non refundable),
  • Monthly Subscription Fees of Ksh 1,000 per month, before the 10th of every calendar month.

These payments to ensure Accountability and Transparency shall be deposited to KH-SHG Ksh Gulf African Bank Account: 0800070601 via Mpesa Paybill 985050 and for Donations to the Ksh Account: (0800070602 to be opened soon) for Diaspora send directly to GAB: Swift Code: GAFRKEN

The Banks issues a Monthly Statement to the group and the Statement will be shared in our Telegram platform for all to be able to trace their payments and to relate with those of fellow KH-SHG Members and to have an overview of the progress into the contributions.

Kenyan Hadharim

Our Target

We reiterate for all to be achieved that all payments should be directed into the above-mentioned GAB Ksh Account. Our target is to reach 1,000 or more Members in less than two (2) years.

The main objective is the economic empowerment of our KH-SHG Members. This is a global trend nowadays characterised by stiffer economic challenges in this world with many flocks not able to achieve the more elusive power due to the rising costs, UNLESS they unite.

Out of this zeal came our noble vision for the future and the coming generations of our KH-SHG Members. As vision dictates it is an undertaking stretching over 5 (five) or fewer years depending upon our numbers and contributions.